Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Some news links for July 24rth, 2012

Chinese commentators lay confusion over Japan's territorial claims over Okinawa, globalist think tanks preach disarmament while the Turks build their first ICBM, the US hits it's strait trillion plus deficit year, and Mayor Bloomberg things that sending the cops home will make New Yorkers give up their guns.

Will there be war over the Tiaoyutais [Senkaku Islands]? – The China Post

Indonesia Is Latest to Add Yuan to Its Reserves

China going after Okinawa Now?

Globalist think tanks continually floating disarming USA why China Russia possess huge secret nuke arsenals

Federal Governments Debt Jumps More Than $1T for 5th Straight Fiscal Year

Mayor Bloomberg Says Cops Should Go On Strike Until Americans Give up Their Guns

U.S. Banks Spawn 10,000 Units Worldwide to Cut Taxes

The Adventures of My Little Crony!

The Reversal of Anglo-American Neoliberalism

Homeowners Having Difficulty Collecting on Foreclosure Fraud Settlement

Welcome to the world of banking 2012

Could Austerity Cause Spain to Break-Up?

Counter-Terrorism: Kinder And Gentler Sucks

SURFACE FORCES : Who Is Buying The Killer Container?

"The 10 Sortie Rule"

‘Minority Report’ software hits the real world

Aquino: Manila isn’t backing off in the West PHL Sea

Book Review: Bailout lifts the veil on Wall Street rescue

The Geopolitics of the Financial Crisis

The End of Growth Through Currency Wars

Jerome Vorus Wins Settlement that Requires D.C. Cops to Abide by new Photo Guidelines

Syria: Chemical Weapons at the Ready :: Middle East Forum

James Rickards Interview Gold to $5-7k and Libor Damages Could Destroy the Banking System

Liberman: Transfer of non-conventional weapons to Hezbollah would be ‘clear casus belli’ for Israel |

Batman Shooter James Holmes Was On Hardcore Pharmaceutical Drugs

Globalist think tanks continually floating disarming USA why China Russia possess huge secret nuke arsenals

The Cult of State Capitalism Rears Its Ugly Head in Bloomberg

How Big Business Benefits from the SNAP (Food Stamp) Program

David Stockman: “We are at the fiscal end game.”

Obama’s Ignorance of the Nature of Business is Dangerous

NASCAR Secures $72 Million In Taxpayer Money (A majority of the House GOP voted for it)

The Volt Costs Taxpayers “Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars” per Car

Sansha City Raises Threat of Conflict in South China Sea

Is there meaning in tragedy?”

USAF-For the love of the F-35

Meet Bina48, robot who can tell jokes, recite poetry and mimics mankind with startling ease

Nearly 300 Radioactive Japanese Cars Stopped at Russian Border | Complex

Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea - N.Korean Army Chief Refused to Go Quietly

Video: Disturbing Analysis Of The Distribution Of Fukushima Radiation In The Pacific Ocean

Weather Modification and Tornado Mitigation by Electromagnetic Satellite Beam

FSA: Syrian chemical weapons moved to borders

Iran, Hizballah terror plots in 20 countries

Canada Shifts Toward China With $15 Billion Nexen Deal

Richard Rothschild Battles Local Agenda 21 -

Report: Russia Stopped Syria From Gassing Rebels – Global – The Atlantic Wire

Turkey begins work on ICBM

Non Proliferation is dead, put a stake in it, adjust accordingly Rent-seeking or Defence?

Activist Post: 25 Reasons Why We Need to Preserve Our 2nd Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Mexican official: CIA ‘manages’ drug trade

CIA: US Finances at the bottom of the planet

3 Notes Supporting Deflation.

Exposing the Barclays LIBOR Rigging Scandal (Infographic)

Watchers Lamp: BBC Olympics Site Revokes Jerusalem’s Status as Israel’s Capital

What In The World Is Wrong With American Kids?

Artificial jellyfish created from heart cells

London Metal Exchange (LME) has agreed to a $2.19 billion takeover from the ChineseHong Kong Exchanges and Clearing

Psalm 83, Isaiah 17, and Ezekiel 38 | GraceThruFaith

Where Do Evil Thoughts Come From? | GraceThruFaith

Denominational Differences


CCR 016: Rob Skiba Interview (Part One)

Marc Faber on a Global Crash, the U.S. Treasury Bubble and Chinas Slowdown

100 Million Poor People In America And 39 Other Facts About Poverty

Colorado Theater Eyewitness Describes Gunman & Possible Accomplice

UN Gunning for World Wide One-Child Policy

Spain: Million People Protest in 80 Cities cities/

$21 Trillion Stashed into Tax Havens

Iceland: Bankers Jailed, Debt Erased, Strong Recovery

US Military On Call to Use Force at 2012 Political Conventions

The Aurora Massacre and the Propaganda of the Deed

Ice-T Defends Gun Rights

NSA Whistle Blowers Warn that the US Government Can Use Surveillance to ‘See Into Your Life’

Moodys Puts Germany On Warning For Credit Rating Downgrade

My line-item veto for the House Armed Services Committee 2013 budget proposal

Kopp paper is a warning to U.S. leadership

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