Saturday, March 24, 2012

Radio Infocyde 0005 Propaganda 101

Listen to internet radio with infocyde on Blog Talk Radio

11)    Welcome
a)     Loop provided by
b)    Where to Find Us
1.     Radio Infocyde on Facebook
4.     Call in Number (215) 383-5753
c)     Still in Beta, Tech Warning
d)    Finally decided on Radio Infocyde
e)     Plans: Need to hit a critical mass before investing in pro, figure it will take a few months, so limited to 3 shows per month / Half hour only. Next show March 31st. Email to be added to the 1email a week email list. Have been going for low hanging fruit, will start getting more focused.
f)      Reminder: Notes for each show at
g)     Book of the Week: Propaganda Techniques
h)    Promo of the Week:
i)       Search of the Week: Senomyx 293
j)       Word about Snopes
k)     Words of Wisdom Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.  Also You get What You Pay For
l)       Event of Significance: Sweden Goes Chashless
22)    Tonight’s Show: Propaganda 101:
a.     Built in Vulnerabilities to Propaganda
1.     Reliance on Specialist
2.     Reliance on Science, which can easily be spoofed 54.6% of all statistics are false.
3.     Expect vetting, not always the case. Also scientist are fad pack animals just like the rest (Law of co-option). Biased sampling, bad science, pseudo science, prevailing wisdom
4.     Attention Span
5.     Common sociological weaknesses exploited
a.     Formats: Strong Male, Couple, Family Room, attractive people (
b.     1 Corinthians 27but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong,
c.      Accents  and Dress (British, proper)
b.     Common Forms of Propaganda (Mainly in Talk Shows)
1.     You go I go (controlling the Flow)
a.     Break momentum – Cut to other guest, Commercial “Hold there we have to take a commercial break”. “Sorry to cut in but let’s let Ron talk.”
b.     Change Focus. “What about this?”
2.     Machine Gunning – “What about this? What about this? What about this?” Also answering an attack with one or more attacks (Changing focus)
3.     Inappropriate Authority – Rocks stars are rock stars, not geopolitical experts
4.     Scare crowing – Misrepresenting an argument and then beating up that argument
5.     Appealing to or Accusing of Bias / Cultural Memes (using false science, sacred cows, taboos)
6.     Framing – Before debate even happens, framing either the person or the argument in a negative or positive light
7.     Limiting scope of debate
8.     Non Sequitur – Not answering things
9.     Rolling with the Punch – “True, but…”
10.  Setting Ideas as unassailable, only evil would challenge, when still debate, also repeating often “Repeat a lie often enough….”
11.  Duping – Using one point of view as a good cop, another as a bad cop, then giving the  target message which is between the two
12. Crowd Surfing (using audience to approve / disapprove), Just “Plain folks”, Town Halls
13. Use of “random” callers to make points
14.   Stacking The Deck – one point of view under represented either in time or people
15.Name Calling / Personification (Ad Hominem attacks)  / use of Satire– Either directly or through body language, neging the other side through non logical refutation
16. Bringing in Laundry – irrelevant to the topic at hand info either about the argument or the person
17.Use of Semiotics – Attaching meme’s to people through graphics, or use of defined words “patriot” “nazi” “liberal”, appeals to tradition
18.Making statements as questions that if weren’t phrased that way would be challenged
19.Emotional Appeal (Emotionalism) Pity, Special Circumstances, Fear
20. Race Card
21.  Shout downs – drowning out the opposition
22. Binarism – Forcing answers into A or B, when they could be C
23.Fitting  things into a definition that they don’t really belong
24.Using Testimonials
25. Appealing to or Accusing of Bias / Cultural Memes (using false science, sacred cows, taboos)
26.Props (Graphics, unflattering pictures)
27. Preemptive attacks / anticipating
28. Faulty Logic
a.     Simplification / Reductionism / Generalizations
b.     Spurious Connections / False Linking

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